Arts Undivided
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Ralph Vaughan Williams at 150: A Personal Reminiscence

October 12th, 2022 marked the 150th birthday of English composer Ralph Vaughan Williams. From my earliest musical experiences, I remember being fascinated by Vaughan Williams' sound and his music has been a central line of my musical life ever since. This article begins a year-long journey into the incredible world of this amazing composer.

Visions of a Better World: Walt Whitman's Song of Myself

Song of Myself is both an exultation of the individual as well as a collecting of all people, no matter who you are, where you came from, what you believe, or anything else. We are of one identity. We are one people. We are each unique yet also the same. Like leaves of grass, each one is different yet creates a unified whole. This was Walt's song, a vision that may not yet have been fulfilled but certainly is not forgotten.

Larry Rachleff: Conductor, Educator, and Sublime Human Being

The difference in the trajectory and focus of my career after working with Larry was so profound that I cannot imagine a world in which I missed the opportunity to learn from this incredible human being. Yet Larry's greatest legacy will be teaching us all how to be better human beings.

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Photo by <a href="">Marius Masalar</a> on <a href="">Unsplash</a>
Photo by <a href="">freestocks</a> on <a href="">Unsplash</a>
Photo by <a href="">freestocks</a> on <a href="">Unsplash</a>
Photo by <a href="">Tommaso Urli</a> on <a href="">Unsplash</a>

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Arts Undivided is a platform dedicated to taking an open approach to exploration within the arts. Through our articles, newsletter, and instructional resources, our aim is to break down the barrier to entry and challenge everyone to step outside the box.

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Timothy Farrand is a passionate musician, researcher, and teacher that believes fundamentally in the power of art to break down barriers and enhance communities. He sees how lives are enhanced through interacting with all art forms, not just one. From teaching to writing to performing, he is dedicated to exploring how the arts impact our lives and bridge divisions within our societies.

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Openness, Curiosity, Exploration, Collaboration, & Creativity
Could add arrow button that sends people to learn more about how Art impacts our Core Values? (Could be a big arrow on the right that serves as the button?)
- Should there be a separate section below that is "WHAT WE OFFER" with a list similar to the values where each one has a little popup description with a "explore more" button?
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